We are starting at the beginning, to the point of discussing copy and paste in class. But everyone confirmed they learned something they didn't previously know!
We start with Excel in the course because it is the tool you will start with for almost every project. If you don't master Excel, it is more difficult to progress.
This list includes what we covered in class, plus some other resources for you to save and use at your leisure. This lecture will continue on Monday.
We start with Excel in the course because it is the tool you will start with for almost every project. If you don't master Excel, it is more difficult to progress.
This list includes what we covered in class, plus some other resources for you to save and use at your leisure. This lecture will continue on Monday.
- Handout: Excel Basics for Journalists
- Data: In-class data for download
- Data: Turnover data for Google Spreadsheets
- Handout: Text editor recommendations
- Handout: Common Excel formulas
- Handout: Kinda crazy Excel formulas
- Handout: Mary Jo Webster's Excel tricks
- Data: Mary Jo's practice data
- Book: Paul Bradshaw's Finding Stories in Spreadsheets
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