Jean Yoo found a hidden gem in Google Fusion Tables that I wasn't aware of ... an Automatic Legend. This will add a legend showing readers how your polygon fills (and I assume points) are styled.
I KNOW it was not there when I started using Fusion Tables. I wonder how long I've been staring at it.
To use it, go to your Change Map Styles window (the same place you define your buckets for the fill) and look at the bottom of the list. There is the Automatic Legend. You can set a title and you can decide in which corner you want the legend. Very handy.
I KNOW it was not there when I started using Fusion Tables. I wonder how long I've been staring at it.
To use it, go to your Change Map Styles window (the same place you define your buckets for the fill) and look at the bottom of the list. There is the Automatic Legend. You can set a title and you can decide in which corner you want the legend. Very handy.